Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Biff and Chip

  • The page uses soft colours, with the foreground colours being slightly brighter and more colourful that those in the background. This draws attention to the characters on the page
  • There is a white banner at the bottom of the page for the main text. This allows for ease of reading, with the black standing out from the white.
  • Speech bubbles are used to show speech and this also breaks up the page. Many young children focus primarily on pictures and therefore speech incorporated into this allows the children to understand what is going on.
  • Lines around the characters are used to express movement to give a more detailed picture
  • The gravel path in the picture gives your eyes direction, the path gets larger as it gets towards the right of the page - as do the characters. The characters are predominantly all situated within this path and therefore it draws your attention to the main feature on the page - the characters.

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