Monday 4 January 2016

BBC News webpage analysis

  • The page follows a basic colour scheme: Red and white. The red represents the colour  the Brand - BBC and stands out from the white, guiding your eyes to certain features on the page. 
  • The red navigation bar at the top of the page draws you in and encourages you to select a section of the page 
  • In the top right corner there is a button that says "Find local news". This is an interactive features that makes the page more personal to the user. The button is situated in the red banner and this gives it a sense of importance. 
  • Bold text is used to stress importance. The most recent and deemed most important news will often have a larger font that is at the top of the page, this is so that it catches your eyes and makes you want to read on. 
  •  The previews of news stories are followed by the country they are relevant to and are in a red font, this stands out and catches your eye, the reason for labeling the country is so that people can easily identify where the story is relevant to and whether they are interested. 
  • The colour red is typically associated with danger and recent news stories often convey violent or disruptive stories. 
  • The news stories have a time on them "1 hour ago" relating to how long ago they were uploaded to the website and this allows the reader to see how accurate and up to date the page information is, and can offer a timeline of events, particularly on 'big events' such as that displayed in the picture about 'IS'.

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